We are so excited about a brand new feature here at DCTV. It’s called Intimate Confessions. This is a special place where you and I can meet the Lord and worship Him with His Word. I take selected portions of scripture and personalize them as a prayer, a heart cry, an intimate confession.
This is a place of vulnerability, a broken place; a place which calls you. But it is in this place that we connect. And isn’t the inspiration of this connection all we really need? For in that union holy things take place. Things so boundless, so momentous, that mere words cannot explain. It’s a holy place of intimacy between the Lord and His greatest creation, you.
Please let me know how Intimate Confessions is working for you and if you have any suggestions. Plus, I welcome any scriptures you would like me to include in this exciting new element of Dream Church TV.
Rooted and Grounded in His Love,
Pastor Ralph D. Gerard