
Soul Winning and Financial Prosperity are a heavenly match.  Let a soul winner receive financial increase and more souls will be won.

The following two affirmations are designed to attract both souls and finances.

Soul Winning

All four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John conclude with a similar commission from JESUS CHRIST.  This was not a suggestion, nor was it spoken just for His disciples.   It was a command to all believers, present and future!  He commissioned Christians to GO in His name.  He told us that He would be with us, work signs through us and that He would  fill us with the Holy Spirit.  That’s enough for me.

What I’ve learned from almost forty years of personal soul winning is that there is no greater thrill in this life than to usher a fellow human being into the saving grace of JESUS CHRIST.  Because this is an act for which you can rejoice  here on earth and again, in heaven!  Souls are the #1 heavenly harvest whose seeds are sown on earth.  Soul winners are generally happy, optimistic, filled with faith and a pleasure to speak to.

Let the following affirmations become a part of your daily spiritual habit…

— Pastor Ralph Gerard

The Affirmations…

■ It is God’s will for me to be a consistent Soul Winner.

■ I have all the power within me to win souls consistently.

■ God has ordained good works for me and everything I need to succeed is with me now

■ I am consistently in the right Spirit to win souls.

■ My life attracts souls to win for Christ.

■ I have all the anointing I need to win souls.

■ Winning souls comes easily to me.

■ I now have absolute certainty in my ability to win souls.

■ Once I choose my soul winning goals, I achieve them.

■ No weapon formed against me can prosper, either in my mind or my soul winning.

■ Souls are everywhere and I win them with ease.

■ I now release any destructive thoughts, feelings, or associations with soul winning.

■ I now live, feel, and expect an abundance of souls won through my life.

■ It’s easy for me to learn how to win souls

■ I feel so good winning souls.

■ I now have the confidence I need to win souls consistently.

■ I now have a soul winning mindset.

■ I choose to forgive every person who has hurt me in any way over my lifetime.

■ I thank God for who I am becoming so I can win many souls to Christ.

■ Winning souls is so much fun for me.

■ By winning souls, I am helping more people and I am increasing God’s Kingdom on earth.

■ The more souls I win, the more blessed I become.

■ My personality easily attracts souls from many positive sources.

■ I consistently take advantage of the right opportunities to win souls.

■ I now release any negative emotions and sever every soul tie from all wrong people who may have hindered me from winning souls in the past.

■ I think, feel, and act like the soul winner I am.

■ I declare that all these beliefs about soul winning are true and according to God’s will for my life right now, and they are.

■ I believe that JESUS Christ died on the cross for me, that I am redeemed through His blood, that he rose from the dead and I call Him my Savior and Lord.

■ I am now fulfilling my destiny to be a soul winner for the Glory of God.

Financial Prosperity

Caution!  The following Affirmations should not be misinterpreted.  Their purpose is primarily intended for those who desire to be extravagant givers at the leading of the Holy Spirit.

The Apostle Paul admonished Timothy, “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.  But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.” 1 Timothy 6:9-11

Paul was not saying that Christians should not pursue wealth, but rather, be ever careful of the potential snare of riches and watch that we do not exchange our yoke to Christ for a yoke to worldly possessions.  (See 1 Timothy 6:17-19). We wholehearted believe that the Bible teaches that every Christian should walk in abundance, having all their needs met, plus overflow, in order to bless others, according to 2 Corinthians 9:8.  However, and very importantly, our theological position as well as personal conviction is that not every Christian should be or even think that “Millionaire+ Status” is a God-given promise or right.  It is certainly not.

These Affirmations are for disciples of Christ who dream of the possibilities of what a yielded life and a giving heart in the hand of God would produce for His Kingdom on earth! That said,  Begin Declaring Your Future Today.

— Pastor Ralph Gerard

The Affirmations…

■ It is God’s will for me to live in abundance

■ I have all the power within me to get wealth according to Dt. 8:18.

■ My life is financed by God and everything I need to succeed is with me now

■ I am consistently in the right Spirit to earn money.

■ Money flows to me from known and unknown sources.

■ Money is easy for me to earn and attract.

■ God has given me all the intelligence I need to prosper.

■ Earning money comes easily to me.

■ I am qualified to receive all the money I need to fulfill my God-given assignment

■ I consistently use my money wisely.

■ I now have absolute certainty in my ability to generate the income I choose.

■ Once I choose my financial goals, I achieve them.

■ No weapon formed against me can prosper, either in my mind or my money.

■ Money is everywhere, and I find it with ease.

■ I now release any negative thoughts, feelings, or associations with money.

■ I now give myself permission to earn as much money as I believe is possible for me.

■ I now live, feel, and expect an abundance of money.

■ It’s easy for me to learn how to earn lots of money.

■ I choose to forgive every person who has hurt me in any way over my lifetime.

■ I thank God for who I am becoming so I can earn whatever amount of money I believe for.

■ I now release any negative experiences that I have had in the past with money.

■ Making lots of money is so much fun for me and I love the choices it gives me.

■ With more money, I am helping more people and I am increasing God’s Kingdom on earth.

■ The more I give, the more I earn and receive.

■ My personality easily attracts money from many positive sources.

■ I consistently take advantage of the right opportunities to earn lots of money.

■ I now release any emotions and sever every soul tie from all negative people that may have hindered me from earning all the money I could in the past.

■ I think, feel, and act prosperous, because I am.

■ I declare that all these beliefs about money are true and according to God’s will for my life right now, and they are.

■ I believe that JESUS Christ died on the cross for me, that I am redeemed through His blood, that he rose from the dead and I call Him my Savior and Lord.

■ I am now fulfilling my financial destiny to be Prosperous for the Glory of God.