A woman with a dead son said, “It is well…” The centurion said to JESUS, “Just say the Word…” Even JESUS said, “Roll away the stone…” What did they do? They set the atmosphere for the supernatural.
Proverbs 18:21 tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Think about it. God has put all things pertaining to life and death in the power (authority) of the tongue.
Now please listen carefully. It is not our circumstances, the opinions of others, the economy, your credit score or who is in the White House that will influence your future success.
It is our tongue which either sets the atmosphere around our lives, like a thermostat, OR registers (agrees with) the present condition around us, like a thermometer.
Thermometers possess zero power. They have no ability to change anything. They simply report the current status. OK. It’s getting a little quiet in the whining and complaining section. If all we do is (agree) with what we see happening around us, the principle is going to work. And what you agree with is going to multiply! This of course is great if you like what you see. But that is not usually the case. People love to talk about the government, bills, high prices, low wages and what they can’t afford, etc. etc. What do you think keeps showing up? Exactly.
Thermostats on the other hand know three really good scriptures. And they probably know more than three, but these three are really good right here. The first one I already mentioned above; but check out Hebrews 1:3 and 3:1. In The Message translation, Heb. 1:3 says, “This Son (JESUS) [mine] perfectly mirrors God, and is stamped with God’s nature. He holds everything together by what He says – powerful words!” And 3:1 tells us that Christians are “…partakers of the heavenly calling…” and that JESUS is the “High Priest of our profession…” meaning this:
JESUS is faithful over His Church to empower and bring to pass His Words which proceed from Our Mouths! Did you get that? When you agree with what God says and you say it, you are RE-SETTING circumstances to align with God’s ways and His purposes! They must obey!
The same power which holds everything together is in His Word. Whether it is me or you, or JESUS saying it. That ability to change circumstances is in the power of our tongue! Our tongue can change any atmosphere from negative to positive, from death to life, from lack to abundance, from sick to well. His Word never returns void.
Get these scriptures in your spirit today. Trust God’s Word to enable the power of your tongue to re-set the atmosphere around your life; and do it before that same atmosphere tries to re-set you. Until next time…
I Call You A Champion!
Pastor Ralph D. Gerard