Homosexuality and Legit Racism
Posted by Pastor GerardOct 15
This is not an anti-gay diatribe by another “hate the sin, love the sinner” style preacher. I want to begin by saying that I truly understand that many homosexuals have heard or sensed something very real within them which they sincerely believe was a signal that they were gay.
Yet it did happen again, just a few weeks ago. A young college student, Tyler Clementi, jumped to his death off the George Washington Bridge in New York. What a heartbreak. Another bright kid, nothing but opportunities and fortune ahead of him, here no longer. Life, just too complicated at eighteen. And it’s not just Tyler. But many other gay teens are choosing suicide, nationwide. Did this young man jump off that bridge because his roommates dishonored him? No. He did it because he was confused, confounded, humiliated. Why? Let me explain it this way.
I have never met a member of any ethnic or “religious” group who had to warm up to who they really are. In my case, I am an unapologetic Christian American. I would never limit wearing JESUS to just my shirt sleeve. I wear Him all over, especially on my attitude and my outlook on life. I never had to get used to being a Christian. And I have never had issue with anyone who does not understand or appreciate my devotion to Christ. Nor am I offended when people scoff at my particular brand of Christianity or deride my Savior. I am just as confident and secure in who I am and who my God is as I am in being an American living in the USA. I am happy, even eager to tell anyone that I am a flag-waving, Christian patriot, anywhere in the world. And so would most reading this blog. Why? It’s like breathing. It’s natural. There is no shame in being who you know you are.
Let’s get to truth. If an offense could be taken today, it will be with this statement, not with me. It’s not my statement, nor my word. I simply believe it. Any offense would have to be with God, whose Word I take from the New Testament book of Romans, Chapter 1, verses 18 through 32. (New King James Version) Here is an excerpt:
“…because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful…God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves…to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error…”
Yes, there are young people who feel something, hear something or have a desire they have never had. No objection. But it is a false reading. A deceptive bluff. You don’t have to believe it or submit to it! And why is this such a leap? Remember the first drag on a cigarette? We thought we would die. Every nicotine addict I know wishes they had gotten a clue on that first try. Why can’t we apply this to the kid who “feels” he’s gay? Imagine if people gave in to every rogue thought or act they “felt” like doing. It would be chaos. Homosexuality is a choice. And for some, it is a very tough one because of the high level of deception involved.
Those who hold to this belief are not anti-gay or against any lifestyle choice. We must resist the notion that standing on Truth is being “intolerant.” Would we call someone intolerant because they resisted a person who prefers straddling the lines on the freeway? “I just don’t feel right when I drive in between the lines…I need to straddle them” A moral society must have at it’s bedrock, undeniable truth in order for it’s citizen’s to prosper. This has always been America’s secret.
We must question anything that our minds and bodies tell us they “feel” if it goes against truth. And that is really the crux. Truth. The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is neither God-designed nor God-inspired. And to say that God sanctions and looks with favor upon homosexuality is nonsense. It is unnatural. It is a mixture of what God made as natural and then something else joining in (The deception). That fatal flaw will forever produce mixture. Thus the shame, the uncertainty, the acting out along with the increasingly loud, loud voice to defend it. But truth settles every dispute. “We don’t get to choose what truth is, nor can we change it. We just get to accept it or deny it. And, everybody finds out in the end what the TRUTH really is.” If your truth gets you where you want to go, congratulations, you made a wise choice.
Yes, it has taken far too long for our nation to recognize that we indeed had a birth defect called slavery. We are doing much better. But those attempting to place homosexuality in that same status are misguided. The evil within legit racism, and I must say legit because our present culture will label you a racist if you accidentally pull out in front of the wrong person in traffic! The evil within legit racism is marginalizing and devaluing another human life on the basis of something they have no control over, namely, the color of their skin, or their ethnic genealogy. Never has there breathed a human being with an option in either. Which is why I contend that the greatest form of racism is abortion. When we deny life, not the right to vote, not a better seat or a superior job, or even human dignity, but when we deny life itself to a person, who through no fault or choice of their own came into existence in the identical manner as the rest of us; can this be a depiction of anything other than our worst selves?
America has begun to line up with the Bible when it says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28. Simple, right? We are ALL equal in God’s eyes in every way. And that is how it works. When we get into agreement with Him., life is more enjoyable and productive for everyone. However, God will not reverse Himself because we are screaming for Him to give us what we want. He loves us too much to do that. He is our Father, after all. Any dad who gives in to the lesser wisdom of his children will certainly regret it. Of course, God has no regrets. And neither will we if we stay submitted to His Word.
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